Utilization of Millet, Cassava and Chickpea to Prepare High Nutrient Different Products for Celiac Patients

Mariam Elsoudy Khattab

Department of Special Foods and Nutrition, Food Technology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

Akram M.M Elanany

Department of Special Foods and Nutrition, Food Technology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

Gamal Saad El-Hadidy *

Bread and Pastry Department, Food Technology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This research aims to produce crackers for celiac disease with important nutritional value and sensory characteristics using cassava flour, millet flour, and chickpea flour. The materials used in this investigation were cassava, millet and chickpea flour in addition to additional components to making crackers. The study revealed that most of all the parameters studied were significant in producing high quality crackers. The obtained findings showed that the chemical composition of crude protein, fat, and crude fiber in cassava, millet and chickpea flour were a higher than those of wheat flour. There was a significant (p < 0.05) increase in mineral content (calcium, potassium, Iron, zinc, and magnesium) compared with the control sample. The chemical composition of the raw materials and crackers formulas was analyzed, and the results showed that all formulas made with cassava, chickpea and millet had higher crude protein, fat, ash, and fiber contents than formulas made with wheat flour alone. The crackers blend (1) made from (50% cassava, 40% chickpea and 10% millet flour) has higher total mineral content than crackers other. The sensory scores showed that the blend (3) sample made from 50% cassava, 35% chickpea and 15% millet had the highest scores among all the samples in terms of flavor, taste, texture, and color, and was also the most preferred by the panelists based on the overall acceptability.

Conclusion: The results indicated that the formulation of chickpea, cassava, and millet crackers with acceptable color and sensory properties which would be a gluten-free, nutrient-dense alternative to traditional crackers.

Keywords: Crackers, celiac disease, gluten-free, cassava, millet, chickpea

How to Cite

Khattab, M. E., Elanany, A. M., & El-Hadidy, G. S. (2024). Utilization of Millet, Cassava and Chickpea to Prepare High Nutrient Different Products for Celiac Patients. Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, 3(4), 849–860. Retrieved from https://www.journalajfrn.com/index.php/AJFRN/article/view/181


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